Basic Stock Recipe

Prep time 5 minutes | Cooking time 3-9 hours 

Makes 3 quarts

This recipe is an excellent base to use for soups and stews.  Utilize any type of bones!  Use bones from last night's dinner, no need to buy a specific variety or type.  Bone stocks contain vital nutrients for optimal health and wellness.  Using roasted bones provides a richer, nuttier flavor and is well worth the effort.



• 5lbs bones, raw or roasted

• 1 gallon water

• Vegetable skins and trimmings


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•Add bones to cold water, add vegetable skins and trimmings, then bring to a simmer, slowly.  Simmer for up to 9 hours, but no less than 3.  Use a fine strainer to strain out all solids. 

•Allow to cool and skim the fat from the surface.  Discard the fat. 

•For roasted bones:

•Use bones from a previously cooked roast or preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Coat bones lightly with extra virgin olive oil and spread them out on a baking sheet in a single layer.  Roast in oven for 45-90 minutes depending on size.