Bulgogi Rice Bowl

Prep time 10 minutes | Cook time 10 minutes

Serves 4

When made with our housemade bulgogi marinated pork chops or chicken, this recipe comes together very quickly. Serve with plenty of vegetables, and wholesome brown rice for an easy, healthy weeknight meal solution!



• 1lb LHC housemade bulgogi marinated pork chops (or chicken), cut into small stir fry pieces

• Brown rice, cooked (look for fast, convenient, pre-cooked brown rice at the co-op)

• 1 head broccoli, chopped

• 1 small onion, chopped

Topping ideas

• Kim chi

• Sesame seeds

• Green onions

• Sliced or juliened raw vegetables like carrots, cabbage, radishes, or bell pepper

• Fried, poached or soft-boiled egg

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• Prepare rice according to directions.

• In a well heated skillet with a bit of cooking oil,  cook marinated pork for a few minutes, stirring and flipping the pork

• Add in the chopped broccoli and onion. Fry for another 5 minutes or so, until pork is cooked through, broccoli is tender, and onions are softened.

• Begin assembling bowls. Start with rice, top with pork and vegetables, then add toppings of choice. Feel free to stick with our suggested toppings, or experiment! It's hard to go wrong here.