Cosmic Wheel Creamery
Located in Clear Lake, WI, Cosmic Wheel Creamery is a farmstead micro-dairy, specializing in raw milk, natural rind, aged cheeses. Their 2 person, 10 cow operation currently makes a total 11 different types of seasonal farmstead cheeses. This means that the cheese is produced from milk collected on the very same farm, so the cheesemakers at Cosmic Wheel are able to control the quality of milk from start to finish, resulting in a beautifully delicious cheese.
In our cheese department at the co-op, you will now find "Moonshadow", their Gruyere-style cheese, made while the cows were eating hay in the early spring. There is also a sister variety to Moonshadow, called Moonglow, made when the cows were eating from green pasture.
You can find more Cosmic Wheel Creamery cheeses at the Linden Hills Farmers Market this spring, or learn more about their cheese CSA through Turnip Rock Farm.